Home Blog 100 Points Super Checklist for Online Business

100 Points Super Checklist for Online Business

by JTExceediance

Table of Contents

Unlock success in your online venture with our comprehensive Checklist for Online Business. From website setup to marketing strategies, this checklist guides you through essential steps, ensuring a robust foundation and optimal performance. Streamline your path to success today to maximize the profits of your business. This article provides 100 Points Super Checklist for Online Business

Super Checklist for Online Business

Table of Contents

1- Niche Selection:

Choosing the right niche is the foundation of a successful online business. This involves identifying a specific market segment that aligns with your interests, expertise, and market demand. It’s crucial to conduct thorough research to understand your target audience, competitors, and potential for growth within the chosen niche.

Recommendations: Start by identifying your passions and expertise. Research market trends, analyze competition, and ensure there’s a viable audience for your chosen niche. Consider the long-term potential and profitability, and be flexible to adapt as market dynamics evolve Check this resource: Find a Profitable eCommerce Niche: With Examples!

2- Business Plan:

A business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the goals, strategies, and operational details of a business. Serving as a roadmap for entrepreneurs and stakeholders, a business plan provides a detailed overview of the company’s mission, target market, products or services, competitive landscape, and financial projections. It typically includes sections on market analysis, organizational structure, marketing and sales strategies, funding requirements, and risk management.

By laying out a structured framework, a business plan helps entrepreneurs clarify their vision, make informed decisions, attract investors or lenders, and guide the growth and development of the business over time. It serves as a dynamic tool that can be adjusted as the business landscape evolves, offering a valuable reference point for strategic decision-making and goal achievement. Develop a comprehensive business plan outlining your goals, target audience, marketing strategy, and financial projections.

3- Business Name:

Your business name is a vital aspect of brand identity. It should be memorable, easy to spell, and reflective of your products or services. Consider domain availability and the potential for trademarking. A unique and catchy business name can set the tone for your brand and make it stand out in the online marketplace.

Recommendations: Brainstorm several name options, ensuring they align with your brand’s tone and values. Check domain availability and conduct a trademark search to avoid legal issues. Test the chosen name with your target audience to gauge its appeal.

4- URL / Domain Name:

Secure a relevant and easy-to-remember domain name that aligns with your business name and niche. Consider below points:

  • Do not Use difficult-to-spell words
  • Do not use Lengthy website names
  • Use relevant name
  • Use Easy to Remember Name
  • Use Mission or Vision in your URL (if it makes sense)
  • Do not try close-match website names (Fakebook etc)
  • Use domain ideas tools such as Lean Domain Search

5- Hosting Purchase:

A great hosting provider will offer different hosting plans to choose from, uptime guarantee, security measures, great customer support, interactive control panel, sub domain offers, Email hosting, server locations, value for money, money back guarantee, and great reputation. Select a reliable hosting provider to ensure your website is accessible and performs well for visitors.

6- Favicon Design:

Create a distinctive favicon, a small icon displayed in the browser tab, representing your brand. If your logo is finalized, creation of favicon is extremely easy using this free service of favicon.io

7- Branding and Colors:

Establish your brand’s visual identity, including color schemes and design elements that convey your brand personality. Check out this article that provide guidance on How To Choose Your Brand Colors with 10 Examples

8- Business / Brand Registration / Licensing:

Registering and licensing your business or brand is a fundamental step in establishing legal legitimacy and protection.

Recommendations: Research and adhere to the registration and licensing requirements in your jurisdiction. Register your business name, obtain necessary licenses, and protect your brand with trademarks if applicable. Keep all documentation up-to-date and accessible.

9- Logo Design:

Design a memorable and recognizable logo that represents your brand effectively. Either you can hire a professional from Fiverr or if you have creative mindset, you can create your own logo using Canva. Alternately, you can use ChatGPT paid subsription or Bing image creation service

10- Graphics for Website:

Using attractive graphics in your online business can have a significant impact on various aspects, contributing to overall success. for example drawing attention and creating a positive first impression. Alos this enhances the overall aesthetics of your website or online platform. Hence you should develop visually appealing graphics for the website, ensuring a cohesive and attractive online presence.

11- Graphics for Blogs:

Engaging and visually appealing graphics enhance the attractiveness of your blog posts, capturing the attention of readers.

Recommendations: Create or hire a graphic designer to design eye-catching graphics for your blog posts. Ensure that graphics align with your brand identity and complement the content. Use graphics to illustrate key points, break up text, and enhance overall readability.

12- Product Pictures:

High-quality and appealing product pictures are crucial for attracting customers. Visuals are often the first impression customers have of your products, impacting their purchasing decisions. Invest in professional photography to showcase your products from multiple angles, providing a clear and accurate representation.

Recommendations: Hire a professional photographer or invest in a good camera to capture high-resolution images. Ensure consistency in lighting and background across all product pictures. Highlight key features and use lifestyle shots when applicable to give customers a better understanding of your products.

13- Website Platform:

Choosing the right website platform is crucial for the functionality, customization, and scalability of your online business.

Recommendations: Select a reliable and user-friendly website platform, such as WordPress, Shopify, or Magento, based on your business needs. Consider factors like ease of use, available plugins, and support. Regularly update the platform for security and performance enhancements.

14- Website Theme Selection:

Selecting an appropriate website theme contributes to the overall aesthetics and user experience of your online platform.

Recommendations: Choose a responsive and visually appealing theme that aligns with your brand. Ensure that the theme is compatible with your website platform. Customize the theme to reflect your brand colors, fonts, and style.

15- Development of Main Page:

The main page of your website serves as the first impression for visitors, making it crucial to design and develop it effectively.

Recommendations: Craft a compelling main page with clear navigation, engaging content, and prominent calls-to-action. Highlight key products, promotions, or brand messaging. Optimize for fast loading times and mobile responsiveness.

16- Products Catalogs:

Organizing and presenting your products in catalogs helps customers easily browse and find what they’re looking for.

Recommendations: Create product catalogs with detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and pricing information. Organize products into relevant categories for easy navigation. Implement search and filter options to enhance the shopping experience.

17- Header Design:

The website header is the first thing visitors see, setting the tone for their experience. A well-designed header should be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and reflective of your brand. It typically includes the business logo, navigation menu, and key information.

Recommendations: Opt for a clean and organized design that aligns with your brand aesthetics. Include a clear and easily readable navigation menu. Use high-resolution images and consider incorporating your business tagline for added clarity.

While often overlooked, the website footer is a valuable space for additional information, links, and contact details. It provides a sense of completeness to your website and enhances user experience. Include essential links, such as contact information, privacy policy, and terms of service.

Recommendations: Design a clean and well-organized footer with relevant links. Include a copyright notice, contact information, and essential legal pages. Ensure the footer is consistent across all pages of your website.

19- Setup – Store:

Setting up your online store involves configuring product listings, payment gateways, and checkout processes. This is really important point from Checklist for Online Business.

Recommendations: Populate your online store with accurate product information, including images, prices, and specifications. Integrate secure and convenient payment gateways. Test the entire purchase process to ensure a seamless buying experience.

20- Setup – Privacy Policy:

A privacy page is essential for building trust with your customers. It outlines how you collect, use, and protect their personal information. Including this page on your website not only ensures legal compliance but also demonstrates transparency and commitment to user privacy.

Recommendations: Clearly state your privacy policy, detailing how customer data is collected, processed, and protected. Include information on cookies, third-party services, and how users can control their privacy settings. Regularly update the privacy page to reflect any changes in your data handling practices.

21- Setup – Blog Page:

Establish a blog page to share relevant content, updates, and engage with your audience.

22- Setup – Contact Us:

Providing a clear and accessible contact page allows customers to reach out with inquiries, feedback, or support needs.

Recommendations: Set up a “Contact Us” page with a contact form, email address, and business phone number. Include information on business hours and response times. Regularly check and respond to customer inquiries promptly.

23- Setup – Vision & Mission:

A vision and mission page communicates your business’s core values, goals, and purpose. It helps build a connection with your audience by sharing the driving force behind your brand. This page is an opportunity to showcase your commitment to social responsibility and customer satisfaction.

Recommendations: Clearly articulate your business’s vision and mission, emphasizing the values that set you apart. Use engaging and relatable language to connect with your audience emotionally. Share success stories, community initiatives, or any relevant achievements to reinforce your commitment.

24- Keywords for Each Product:

Keyword research is crucial for optimizing your online presence and driving targeted traffic. Identify relevant keywords for each product to enhance search engine visibility. Utilize tools like Google Keyword Planner to find high-ranking and relevant keywords in your niche.

Recommendations: Conduct thorough keyword research for each product, considering search volume and competition. Use long-tail keywords for specificity. Incorporate these keywords naturally into product descriptions, titles, and meta tags to improve search engine rankings.

25- Configure Statistics:

Utilizing analytics tools helps track website performance, user behavior, and other key metrics for data-driven decision-making.

Recommendations: Configure analytics tools such as Google Analytics to track website traffic, conversion rates, and user engagement. Set up custom dashboards and reports to monitor specific KPIs. Regularly analyze data to identify areas for improvement. Check this Dashboard for HR Professional and Leaders

26- Business Analytics:

Implementing robust analytics tools allows you to track and analyze your online business’s performance. Platforms like Google Analytics provide valuable insights into website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. Regularly review analytics data to make informed decisions and optimize your business strategy.

Recommendations: Set up Google Analytics or other analytics tools for your website. Monitor key metrics such as traffic sources, bounce rates, and conversion rates. Use the data to identify areas for improvement and refine your marketing strategies. Leverage the power of Power BI dashboards and Business Intelligence

27- Products Hunting:

Continuously sourcing and adding new products to your catalog keeps your inventory fresh and appealing to customers.

Recommendations: Regularly research market trends, customer preferences, and industry innovations to identify new products. Evaluate supplier relationships and negotiate favorable terms. Introduce new products strategically based on demand and relevance.

28- Supplier Hunting:

Finding reliable suppliers is crucial for maintaining a steady and quality supply chain. Research potential suppliers, considering factors like product quality, pricing, shipping times, and customer reviews. Building strong relationships with suppliers is key to ensuring a smooth and efficient business operation.

Recommendations: Research multiple suppliers within your niche. Verify their reputation, product quality, and reliability. Reach out to potential suppliers, ask for samples, and establish clear communication channels. Negotiate terms that align with your business goals.

29- Supplier Delivery Agreements:

Once you’ve identified reliable suppliers, formalize the partnership with a clear and comprehensive supplier agreement. This document should outline terms and conditions, pricing, payment terms, and other crucial aspects of the business relationship. A well-drafted agreement helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures a mutually beneficial partnership.

Recommendations: Consult with legal professionals to draft a detailed supplier agreement. Clearly outline responsibilities, quality standards, and terms of payment. Include provisions for dispute resolution and periodic reviews of the agreement.

30- Supplier Performance KPIs:

Monitoring and assessing supplier performance through key performance indicators (KPIs) ensures a reliable and efficient supply chain.

Recommendations: Establish supplier KPIs such as delivery times, product quality, and communication responsiveness. Regularly evaluate supplier performance against these metrics. Address any issues promptly and communicate expectations clearly.

31- SEO Tool:

Implementing effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies is vital for improving your website’s visibility in search engine results. Utilize SEO tools like Moz, SEMrush, or Yoast to optimize on-page elements, analyze keywords, and monitor your website’s overall SEO performance.

Recommendations: Choose an SEO tool that aligns with your business needs and budget. Conduct regular SEO audits to identify and address optimization opportunities. Stay updated on search engine algorithms and adjust your strategy accordingly.

32- Blog Posts:

Consistently publishing high-quality blog posts contributes to your online presence, SEO efforts, and audience engagement.

Recommendations: Develop a content calendar outlining topics, keywords, and publishing schedules. Write well-researched and engaging blog posts that provide value to your target audience. Include relevant visuals and promote blog posts through various channels.

33- Email Opt-In Service Setup:

Building an email list is a powerful marketing strategy for connecting with your audience and driving sales. Implementing an email opt-in allows visitors to subscribe to your newsletters or promotional updates. This creates a direct line of communication with potential customers.

Recommendations: Design visually appealing and strategically placed opt-in forms on your website. Offer incentives such as discounts or exclusive content to encourage sign-ups. Regularly engage with your email list through valuable content, promotions, and personalized communication.

34- GDPR Compliance Cookies:

Ensuring GDPR compliance is essential for handling user data responsibly. Cookies play a crucial role in online businesses for tracking and improving user experience. Implementing a GDPR-compliant cookie policy involves informing users about the types of cookies used, obtaining their consent, and providing options to manage cookie preferences.

Recommendations: Clearly outline your website’s cookie policy in simple language. Use a cookie consent banner or pop-up to obtain user consent. Provide users with the ability to customize their cookie settings, allowing them to opt-in or opt-out based on their preferences.

35- Site Map:

A site map is a navigational tool that outlines the structure and hierarchy of your website. It helps search engines index your pages more effectively, improving overall visibility in search results. Creating a well-organized site map enhances user experience by making navigation intuitive and user-friendly.

Recommendations: Generate an XML site map for search engines and an HTML site map for users. Keep it updated as you add or modify content. Submit your XML site map to search engines like Google to ensure efficient crawling and indexing.

36- Robotics File:

The robots.txt file is a directive that informs search engine bots which pages to crawl or avoid. Properly configuring the robots.txt file ensures that search engines index the right pages and avoid sensitive or duplicate content.

Recommendations: Use the robots.txt file to guide search engine crawlers. Ensure it is accessible to bots and correctly configured to prevent the indexing of confidential information. Regularly review and update the file to reflect changes in your website structure.

37- Anti Spam Setup:

Protecting your online business from spam is crucial for maintaining a positive user experience and preventing potential security threats. Implementing anti-spam measures helps filter out unwanted and potentially harmful content.

Recommendations: Utilize anti-spam plugins or tools to filter out spam comments, emails, or form submissions. Regularly update and monitor your anti-spam solutions to stay ahead of evolving spam techniques.

38- Website Pop Ups:

Strategically designed pop-ups can enhance user engagement and conversion rates. However, their timing and content must be carefully considered to avoid being intrusive. Well-executed pop-ups can capture leads, promote offers, and guide users through the customer journey.

Recommendations: Use targeted and relevant pop-ups for specific actions, such as newsletter sign-ups or limited-time promotions. Set triggers based on user behavior to display pop-ups at optimal times. Ensure a simple and easy-to-close option for users who prefer not to engage.

Displaying recommended products through sliders enhances cross-selling and upselling opportunities. These sliders showcase complementary or related items, encouraging users to explore additional products and increasing the average order value.

Recommendations: Integrate a responsive and visually appealing product slider into your website. Use algorithms or customer behavior data to personalize recommendations. Monitor performance and update recommendations based on product popularity and trends.

40- Image Optimization:

Optimizing images is essential for improving website performance, reducing load times, and enhancing user experience. Compressed and properly formatted images contribute to faster page loading, especially for users with slower internet connections.

Recommendations: Compress images without compromising quality using tools like Photoshop or online image compressors. Use appropriate file formats (JPEG, PNG, or WebP) based on image content. Implement lazy loading to prioritize the loading of images within the user’s viewport.

41- Website Speed Test:

A fast-loading website is crucial for retaining visitors and improving search engine rankings. Regularly testing your website’s speed helps identify areas for improvement, ensuring optimal performance for users.

Recommendations: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to analyze your website’s speed. Optimize images, leverage browser caching, and minimize HTTP requests. Address issues identified in speed tests promptly for a seamless user experience.

42- Push Notifications:

Implementing push notifications is an effective way to re-engage users and keep them informed about updates, promotions, or relevant content. Push notifications can boost user retention and drive repeat visits to your website.

Recommendations: Integrate a push notification service compatible with your website platform. Seek user consent before sending push notifications and provide value through personalized and timely messages. Monitor user engagement and adjust your notification strategy accordingly.

43- Professional Email:

Using a professional email address associated with your domain enhances your brand credibility. Business emails create a more polished and trustworthy image, essential for effective communication with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.

Recommendations: Set up professional email addresses using your domain name (e.g., info@yourbusiness.com). Choose a reliable email hosting provider. Configure email settings to ensure security, proper organization, and a professional appearance

44- PayPal:

Integrate PayPal as a secure and convenient payment option for customers.

45- Payment Gateway:

A secure and user-friendly payment gateway is vital for facilitating online transactions. Choose a payment gateway that aligns with your business needs, offers diverse payment options, and ensures the security of sensitive customer information.

Recommendations: Select a reputable payment gateway provider based on your location and target audience. Ensure secure SSL encryption for transactions. Clearly communicate accepted payment methods and the security measures in place to build customer trust.

46- Facebook Page:

A Facebook page is an essential component of social media marketing. It provides a platform to connect with a broader audience, build brand awareness, and engage with customers. A well-maintained Facebook page can drive traffic to your website and foster community interactions.

Recommendations: Create a professional and complete Facebook page, including relevant business details, contact information, and a compelling profile picture and cover photo. Regularly post engaging content, respond to comments, and utilize Facebook advertising to reach a larger audience.

47- Instagram Page Setup:

Instagram is a visually-driven platform that offers significant opportunities for product promotion and brand exposure. Creating an Instagram business page, known as InstaPage, allows you to showcase products, connect with your audience through visual content, and leverage Instagram’s features for marketing.

Recommendations: Optimize your Instagram profile with a recognizable profile picture, engaging bio, and a link to your website. Post visually appealing and relevant content regularly. Use Instagram Stories, IGTV, and hashtags to enhance visibility and engagement.

48- Snapchat Page Setup:

Snapchat provides a unique platform for businesses to connect with a younger, tech-savvy audience through creative and engaging content. Establishing a presence on Snapchat allows you to share behind-the-scenes glimpses, promotions, and interactive content.

Recommendations: Create a Snapchat business account and optimize your profile with appealing visuals and relevant information. Leverage Snapchat’s features, such as Stories, Lenses, and Filters, to create interactive and shareable content. Engage with your audience through direct messages and user-generated content.

49- Location-Based Marketing:

Location-based marketing involves targeting users based on their geographic location. Utilizing this strategy allows you to personalize marketing messages, promotions, and content to cater to the preferences and needs of specific regions or localities.

Recommendations: Use location-based data to tailor marketing campaigns for different regions. Implement geotargeting in online advertisements to reach specific audiences. Leverage location-based analytics to understand customer behavior and optimize marketing strategies accordingly.

50- Pop-Up Marketing:

Pop-up marketing involves using strategically timed pop-ups to capture user attention and encourage specific actions. Whether promoting discounts, gathering email subscriptions, or highlighting special offers, well-executed pop-ups can drive conversions.

Recommendations: Design visually appealing and non-intrusive pop-ups. Set triggers based on user behavior to display pop-ups at opportune moments. Clearly communicate the value proposition and provide an easy exit option for users who choose not to engage.

51- WhatsApp Store Setup:

WhatsApp is a widely used messaging platform, and setting up a WhatsApp store allows businesses to connect with customers directly, showcase products, and facilitate seamless transactions. Integrating WhatsApp into your business strategy enhances communication and customer support.

Recommendations: Create a dedicated WhatsApp business account. Share product catalogs, respond to customer inquiries, and facilitate transactions through WhatsApp. Utilize WhatsApp Business API for advanced features and integrations.

52- Yandex Integration:

Yandex is a prominent search engine, especially in regions like Russia and neighboring countries. Integrating your website with Yandex ensures visibility among users who prefer this search engine. It involves submitting your website to Yandex Webmaster Tools and optimizing content for Yandex’s algorithm.

Recommendations: Create a Yandex Webmaster Tools account and submit your website for indexing. Optimize content and meta tags for Yandex’s search algorithm. Regularly monitor performance data in Yandex Webmaster Tools to identify areas for improvement.

53- Bing Integration:

Bing is a major search engine, and integrating your website with Bing ensures visibility in search results beyond Google. Bing Webmaster Tools offers features for submitting your website, monitoring performance, and optimizing for Bing’s search algorithm.

Recommendations: Create a Bing Webmaster Tools account and submit your website for indexing. Optimize content and meta tags for Bing’s search algorithm. Utilize Bing’s tools to monitor performance and address any issues affecting search visibility.

54- Google Search Console Integration:

Google Search Console is a powerful tool for monitoring and optimizing your website’s performance in Google search results. Integrating your website with Google Search Console allows you to submit sitemaps, identify issues, and gather insights on search traffic.

Recommendations: Verify ownership of your website in Google Search Console. Submit XML sitemaps for effective crawling and indexing. Monitor performance data, fix any issues flagged by the console, and utilize insights to enhance your website’s visibility in Google search.

55- Google SiteKit:

Google SiteKit is a plugin that integrates various Google services directly into your WordPress dashboard. It provides insights from Google Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, and PageSpeed Insights in one place, streamlining the management of your website’s performance and online presence.

Recommendations: Install and set up Google SiteKit on your WordPress website. Connect relevant Google services to gain consolidated insights. Regularly review the data provided to make informed decisions about your website’s performance and audience engagement.

56- Site DA:

Domain Authority (DA) is a metric that predicts a website’s ranking potential on search engines. Enhancing your site’s DA involves improving factors like content quality, backlinks, and overall user experience to establish authority in your niche.

Recommendations: Create high-quality, shareable content. Build authoritative backlinks from reputable sources. Optimize on-page elements, improve website speed, and provide a positive user experience. Regularly update and expand your content to stay relevant.

Building a robust backlink profile is crucial for improving search engine rankings and domain authority. Developing an effective backlinks strategy involves acquiring high-quality, relevant links from authoritative websites within your industry.

Recommendations: Identify reputable websites within your niche for potential backlinks. Create shareable and link-worthy content. Reach out to influencers, industry leaders, and other websites for collaboration and link-building opportunities. Monitor and disavow low-quality or harmful backlinks.

58- ChatGPT Use:

Leveraging ChatGPT or similar chatbot technologies on your website can enhance customer support and engagement. Integrating ChatGPT allows users to interact with your business in real-time, improving the overall user experience.

Recommendations: Integrate ChatGPT or a chatbot platform that aligns with your business needs. Customize responses based on common queries. Provide clear instructions on how users can access and use the chatbot. Monitor interactions and continually improve responses based on user feedback.

59- 404 Monitor:

A 404 monitor helps identify and address broken or missing links on your website. Regularly monitoring and fixing 404 errors contributes to a seamless user experience and ensures that search engines can crawl and index your content effectively.

Recommendations: Install a 404 monitor plugin on your website. Regularly check for broken links and 404 errors. Set up redirects for removed or outdated content. Customize a user-friendly 404 error page with navigation options

60- AMP – Accelerated Mobile Pages:

AMP is a framework that creates faster-loading mobile web pages, enhancing user experience on mobile devices. Implementing Accelerated Mobile Pages improves website speed and mobile search rankings.

Recommendations: Install an AMP plugin compatible with your content management system. Optimize your content for AMP standards. Regularly test and monitor AMP pages for performance. Ensure that all essential content is present on AMP versions of your pages.

61- Instant Indexing on Search Engines:

Instant indexing allows search engines to crawl and index new content on your website quickly. This ensures that your latest updates are reflected in search results promptly.

Recommendations: Submit new content to search engines using tools like Google Search Console. Use sitemaps to provide search engines with a structured view of your website’s content. Regularly check indexation status and address any issues promptly.

62- Role Manager:

Implementing role management allows you to control user access and permissions on your website. Assigning specific roles ensures that users have appropriate levels of access based on their responsibilities.

Recommendations: Utilize role management features provided by your content management system. Define clear roles and responsibilities for each user category. Regularly review and update user roles to align with organizational changes.

63- WooCommerce:

WooCommerce is a popular e-commerce plugin for WordPress, providing a flexible and customizable platform for selling products and services online.

Recommendations: Install and configure WooCommerce for your e-commerce website. Customize product pages, checkout processes, and other settings to match your business needs. Regularly update and optimize your online store for better performance.

64- External SEO Audits:

Regular external SEO audits involve evaluating your website’s performance, visibility, and overall health from an external perspective. This process often includes analyzing backlinks, keyword rankings, and overall search engine presence.

Recommendations: Conduct regular external SEO audits using tools like SEMrush, Moz, or Ahrefs. Evaluate your backlink profile, identify opportunities for improvement, and address any issues affecting your website’s SEO performance.

Pretty Links is a tool that allows you to create clean, branded, and trackable short links. This is particularly useful for affiliate marketing, social media sharing, and managing long URLs.

Recommendations: Install and configure Pretty Links on your website. Use Pretty Links to create short, branded URLs for promotional purposes. Monitor link performance and adjust strategies based on click-through data.

66- Polls Setup:

Integrating polls and surveys on your website provides valuable insights into user preferences, opinions, and satisfaction levels. This engagement strategy enhances user interaction and helps tailor your products or services to meet customer needs.

Recommendations: Use survey plugins or platforms to create and embed polls or surveys on your website. Design concise and engaging questions. Offer incentives for participation to boost response rates. Analyze results to inform business decisions.

67- Internal Linking:

Internal linking involves connecting different pages within your website through hyperlinks. Implementing a robust internal linking strategy enhances user navigation, distributes link equity, and improves overall website structure.

Recommendations: Identify relevant anchor texts and link to related pages within your content. Ensure that internal links are natural and provide additional value to users. Regularly audit and update internal links to align with content changes.

68- Social Media Sharing:

Enhancing social media sharing capabilities on your website encourages users to share your content across various platforms, increasing visibility and engagement.

Recommendations: Integrate social media sharing buttons on your website for easy sharing. Optimize meta tags to ensure attractive and shareable previews when links are shared. Encourage user-generated content and interactions on social media. Consider all kind of social media such as Quora, Facebook, Instagram and others. See this list of major social media platforms

69- SSL Certificate:

Securing your website with an SSL certificate is crucial for data encryption, user trust, and search engine rankings. An SSL-secured website displays “https://” in the URL, indicating a secure connection.

Recommendations: Purchase and install an SSL certificate for your website. Ensure that all pages are served over HTTPS. Regularly update and renew your SSL certificate to maintain a secure connection.

70- MonsterInsights:

MonsterInsights is a Google Analytics plugin for WordPress that provides enhanced insights into your website’s performance, user behavior, and audience demographics.

Recommendations: Install and configure MonsterInsights on your WordPress website. Connect it to your Google Analytics account. Use the plugin to gain deeper insights into user interactions, pageviews, and other key metrics. Adjust your strategies based on the data collected

71- Google Listings & Ads:

Utilizing Google Listings and Ads enhances your online visibility by showcasing your business on Google’s search results and maps. This is particularly important for local businesses looking to attract nearby customers.

Recommendations: Set up and optimize your Google My Business listing. Create targeted Google Ads campaigns to reach your desired audience. Regularly update business information and monitor performance metrics to refine your online advertising strategies.

Regularly monitoring and addressing broken links on your website is crucial for maintaining a positive user experience and ensuring search engine optimization.

Recommendations: Install a broken link checker plugin or use online tools to identify broken links. Regularly scan your website for broken links and update or remove them. Set up automatic notifications for immediate awareness of broken links

73- Under Construction:

An under-construction page is essential when making significant updates or changes to your website. It provides a professional and informative placeholder for visitors.

Recommendations: Create a visually appealing under-construction page with relevant information about the updates or improvements. Include an estimated time for completion and alternative contact options. Ensure that the under-construction page is responsive and accessible.

74- Collect Customer Emails at Checkout:

Building an email list is a powerful marketing strategy. Collecting customer emails at the checkout stage allows you to establish a direct line of communication for future promotions and updates.

Recommendations: Implement an opt-in checkbox during the checkout process for customers to subscribe to your email list. Clearly communicate the value of subscribing, such as exclusive offers or newsletters. Ensure compliance with privacy regulations and provide an easy way for customers to opt-out.

75- AddToAny Share Buttons:

Integrating AddToAny share buttons facilitates easy content sharing across various social media platforms, expanding your content’s reach and engagement.

Recommendations: Install and configure the AddToAny plugin on your website. Customize share button placement for optimal visibility. Monitor social media analytics to understand which platforms are most effective for your audience.

76- Tax and Currency Setup:

Setting up accurate tax rates and displaying prices in the customer’s preferred currency is essential for international e-commerce and legal compliance.

Recommendations: Configure tax settings based on your business location and customer locations. Offer options for displaying prices in multiple currencies if your customer base is diverse. Regularly review and update tax rates based on changes in regulations.

77- Contents and Database Backup:

Regularly backing up your website’s content and database is crucial for safeguarding against data loss, security breaches, or website crashes.

Recommendations: Use backup plugins or services to automate regular backups of your website’s content and database. Store backups in secure, off-site locations. Test the restoration process to ensure the backups are functional.

78- Table of Contents:

Implementing a table of contents on longer articles or pages improves user navigation and enhances the overall reading experience.

Recommendations: Utilize plugins or manually create a table of contents for lengthy content. Structure headings with appropriate tags for better SEO. Ensure that the table of contents is user-friendly, especially on mobile devices.

79- CallNow Button:

Adding a CallNow button to your website provides a quick and direct way for visitors to contact your business.

Recommendations: Implement a visible CallNow button, especially on mobile versions of your website. Ensure that the button is strategically placed for easy access. Test the functionality on various devices to ensure seamless communication

80- Floating Chat Button:

Integrating a floating chat button enhances user engagement by providing instant access to customer support or inquiries.

Recommendations: Implement a floating chat button using chat software compatible with your website. Customize the chat button’s appearance to match your brand. Ensure that the chat system is responsive and monitored regularly for incoming messages.

81- Email Promotions:

Utilizing email promotions is an effective strategy for driving sales, fostering customer loyalty, and promoting new products or services.

Recommendations: Plan and schedule regular email promotions aligned with your business goals. Segment your email list based on customer preferences and behaviors. Craft compelling and personalized promotional content. Monitor email performance metrics and adjust strategies accordingly

82- PPC Marketing:

Implementing Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing campaigns allows you to drive targeted traffic to your website by paying for ad placements on search engines or social media platforms.

Recommendations: Research and select relevant keywords for your PPC campaigns. Set clear goals and budgets for each campaign. Regularly analyze and optimize ad performance based on click-through rates, conversions, and return on investment

83- Facebook Pixel:

Installing the Facebook Pixel on your website enables you to track user interactions and gather valuable data for targeted advertising on Facebook.

Recommendations: Set up the Facebook Pixel through the Facebook Ads Manager. Customize pixel events to track specific user actions, such as page views, purchases, or sign-ups. Use the collected data to create effective Facebook advertising campaigns

84- Growth Plan:

Developing a growth plan outlines strategic initiatives and goals for scaling your online business over time.

Recommendations: Identify key areas for growth, such as expanding product lines, entering new markets, or increasing customer retention. Set realistic and measurable goals with corresponding timelines. Regularly review and adjust the growth plan based on market trends and business performance.

85- Point of Sale Systems:

If your business has physical locations, implementing a reliable Point of Sale (POS) system streamlines transactions, inventory management, and overall customer experience.

Recommendations: Choose a POS system that integrates seamlessly with your online store. Ensure that the POS system offers features such as inventory synchronization, sales analytics, and customer relationship management. Train staff on efficient POS usage.

86- Email Marketing Automation:

Email marketing automation streamlines communication by triggering personalized messages based on user behavior, preferences, or specific events. This is a critical activity from Checklist for Online Business.

Recommendations: Implement an email marketing automation platform compatible with your website. Set up automated workflows for welcome emails, abandoned cart reminders, and customer retention campaigns. Regularly analyze performance data to optimize automation sequences.

87- Conduct Test Purchases:

Performing test purchases allows you to evaluate the entire customer journey, from product selection to checkout, ensuring a smooth and error-free buying process.

Recommendations: Initiate test purchases using different payment methods and shipping addresses. Confirm that order confirmation emails, invoices, and receipts are generated correctly. Identify and resolve any issues discovered during the testing process

88- Order Notifications:

Setting up comprehensive order notifications ensures that both customers and your team are informed about purchase activities, fostering transparency and efficient order processing.

Recommendations: Configure order confirmation emails, shipping notifications, and order status updates. Include relevant details such as product names, quantities, and expected delivery dates. Regularly review and optimize notification content for clarity and accuracy.

89- Click to Chat:

Integrating a “Click to Chat” feature provides real-time support, improving customer satisfaction and addressing queries or concerns promptly.

Recommendations: Implement a live chat plugin or software on your website. Train support staff to respond efficiently to chat inquiries. Monitor chat interactions and gather feedback to enhance the overall chat experience.

90- Sales Channels Integration:

Expanding your sales channels by integrating with platforms like Amazon, eBay, or social media marketplaces broadens your reach and increases potential sales.

Recommendations: Connect your online store to relevant sales channels using integration tools or plugins. Ensure consistent product information across all channels. Monitor and manage inventory levels to prevent overselling.

91- Cart and Checkout Process:

Optimizing the cart and checkout process is crucial for reducing cart abandonment rates and providing a seamless user experience.

Recommendations: Streamline the checkout process with minimal steps. Implement guest checkout options. Include progress indicators, clear CTAs, and trust signals. Test and optimize the performance of your cart and checkout pages regularly.

92- Shipping, Returns, & Refund Policy Page:

Clear and transparent shipping, returns, and refund policies build trust with customers and set expectations regarding product delivery and potential returns.

Recommendations: Create dedicated pages for shipping, returns, and refund policies on your website. Clearly communicate shipping times, return procedures, and refund eligibility criteria. Keep policies up-to-date and easily accessible.

93- The Terms & Conditions Page:

Establishing comprehensive terms and conditions helps protect your business legally and outlines the rules and responsibilities for both customers and your company.

Recommendations: Craft a terms and conditions page covering essential aspects such as user responsibilities, intellectual property, disclaimers, and dispute resolution. Regularly review and update the terms to align with any changes in your business operations or legal requirements.

94- Stock / Inventory Management:

Efficient stock or inventory management prevents overselling, stockouts, and discrepancies, ensuring a smooth fulfillment process.

Stock Management

Recommendations: Implement an inventory management system compatible with your e-commerce platform. Regularly update stock levels based on sales and new arrivals. Set up alerts for low stock to prompt reordering.

95- Payment Authorization & Capture:

Optimizing payment processes, including proper authorization and capture, ensures secure and smooth transactions for your customers.

Recommendations: Integrate a secure payment gateway that supports both authorization and capture processes. Test payment transactions to confirm that funds are correctly authorized and captured. Ensure compliance with payment industry standards.

96- Add a Shipping Origin Address:

Setting a clear shipping origin address is crucial for accurate shipping cost calculations and timely order fulfillment.

Recommendations: Specify a shipping origin address in your e-commerce platform settings. Ensure that the address provided is accurate and aligns with your warehouse or fulfillment center location. Regularly review and update the shipping origin information.

97- Activate Any Third-Party Fulfillment Services:

If using third-party fulfillment services, activating and configuring these services streamlines order processing and shipping.

Recommendations: Integrate your e-commerce platform with third-party fulfillment services. Configure settings for order routing, packaging preferences, and shipping methods. Test the fulfillment process to ensure accuracy.

98- Shipping Labels & Packaging:

Creating professional shipping labels and implementing secure packaging practices contribute to a positive customer experience and reduce the risk of damage during transit.

Recommendations: Invest in high-quality shipping labels with clear and accurate information. Ensure secure and protective packaging for products, considering their nature and fragility. Regularly assess and optimize packaging practices.

99- Organize Your Order Notifications:

Maintaining an organized system for order notifications ensures that your team can efficiently manage and fulfill customer orders.

Recommendations: Implement a centralized system for order notifications, whether through email, a dedicated platform, or an internal communication tool. Categorize notifications based on their urgency and relevance. Train staff on effective notification management.

100- Double Check Product Shipping Weight:

Verify and update product weights for accurate shipping cost calculations.

101- CEO Mindset

This is one of the most critical points from the Checklist for Online Business. Launching an online store requires CEO mindset. One of the wisest actions you should take is to hire the right resources (right skillset and winning attitude) that you can delegate most of the above tasks to them. This will enable you focus on analyzing statistics to make better decisions.

Adopting a CEO mindset involves thinking strategically, living a purposeful life, making informed decisions, and prioritizing the long-term success of your online business.

Recommendations: Continuously educate yourself on industry trends, market changes, and business strategies. Set clear goals and develop a strategic vision for your business. Delegate tasks effectively, prioritize key initiatives, and stay adaptable to evolving challenges.

If you are a medium or large enterprise consider setting up a PMO (Project Management Office) Also check out this article on difference between Project Manager and PMO

If you would like to hire me as a consultant for your E-Commerce Store, please reach out to me at mjunaidtahir@gmail.com so we can setup a call to discuss.

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